Within Drayton Hall’s museum collection are 21 watercolors painted c. 1733 by George Edwards, a British naturalist who is considered the father of British ornithology. These remarkable paintings were acquired by John Drayton (1715-1779) prior to Drayton Hall’s construction beginning in 1738, and serve as powerful artifacts illustrating his intellectual pursuits in natural history, both within and beyond colonial South Carolina.
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Small Birds - This set of eight assorted notecards features four images from the Lenhardt Collection of George Edwards Watercolors: Indigo Bunting, Hummingbirds, Yellow Bellied Sapsucker and the American Goldfinch.
Flights of Fancy Set - This set of assorted notecards features four images from the Lenhardt Collection of George Edwards Watercolors: Carolina Parrot, Eastern Screech Owl, Red-winged Blackbird & the White-Throated Toucan .